Learn 2b Mindful, LLC
Healing through Awareness
About Me
What is Mindfulness?
How Mindfulness works
Program Schedule

"The experience of attending MBSR has been amazing!  Peter has a laid back style, he engages all class participants in a very warm, friendly and encouraging environment.  The valuable skills Peter is teaching are life changing.  These skills help people cope with everyday life and the challenges that can arise.  I would encourage anyone to take Peter's MBSR training, everyone can truly benefit from this positive experience!"
Lynn - Yoga Instructor

"Peter begins the class by saying there is more right with you than wrong...a gentle reminder we all need. As the class goes on, he is consistent in reminding you that you are just where you need to be as you struggle to explore the spaciousness of your mind and body. This class was just what I needed. I needed to know I had this capacity to witness my life and see things more clearly."
Irene - Student


I gained a greater understanding about witness consciousness...going beyond the ego...being the observer of my thoughts, emotions, physical sensations. I have gained a felt sense that I am not just these things yet these things do run through me.  I am learning to become more in the audience as a spectator to my own drama.  All this has innumerable benefits to my interpersonal relationships, my counseling practice, my conscious life.
Jim - Psychotherapist

Peter did an excellent job of teaching us the experiential and conceptual facets of mindfulness. He teaches from the heart and his own experience, which I really resonated with. Participation in this program made an appreciable and positive impact on my stress levels, helped me establish a daily meditation practice, and provided a supportive community to engage in practice and discussion. I can't recommend it highly enough!
Tosca - Student

Peter's eight week MBSR course is among the best and most influential courses I have ever taken.  The teaching format and structure work so well for the material, I can't imagine learning MBSR any other way.  The coursework and exercises and CDs are sequenced to take the student from doubting and hoping to accomplishment.   Peter's voice on the CDs will draw you in, but even better, teach you how to meditate without the CDs.   The trick is to practice the meditation exercises; having a wonderful teacher is only part of the solution, the rest of the solution is 30-45 minutes a day.  If you can make that time commitment to the course, you will love it and it will change your life.
Robert - Retired

My experience during the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course was nothing short of transformational, personally and professionally.  Peter’s engaging and authentic style made every class both insightful and practical.  Over the eight weeks, the practices became daily habits and go-to resources to call upon when needed.  The course has helped me navigate difficult professional conversation as well as stay present with my kids.  On a daily basis, I have found myself calmer, more focused, and more appreciative.  So often, we find ourselves rushing to the next meeting on our calendars or the next item on our to-do lists – Peter’s course lets us deliberately “press pause” and be here now.  I strongly recommend!

Cathleen - Consultant